08 Eylül 2006 00:00# 1
Üyelik : 8.09.2006
Yaş : 46
Şehir : Çorum
Mesaj Sayısı : 1
Konu : merhaba
08 Eylül 2006 00:00# 2
Üyelik : 8.09.2006
Yaş : 50
Şehir : İstanbul
Mesaj Sayısı : 1
Cevap : merhaba
sevgili arkadaşlar master cam xr m5 kullanıyoruz kalıp köşe radüslerde ve iç radüslerde sıkıntı yaratıyo ve köşe radüsleri dönerken yavaşlama komutu varmış bileniniz varmı
08 Eylül 2006 00:00# 3
Üyelik : 7.09.2006
Yaş : 50
Şehir : İstanbul
Mesaj Sayısı : 14
Cevap : merhaba
walla biz 10.2 sp2 yi kullanıyoruz daha xr m5 e gelemedik kusura bakma kolay gelsin konu hakkında bizleride haberdar ederseniz seviniriz
08 Eylül 2006 00:00# 4
Üyelik : 8.09.2006
Yaş : 50
Şehir : İstanbul
Mesaj Sayısı : 1
Cevap : merhaba
önce işleme yapılırken makinanın yavaşlatılması parçaya zararlıdır.İlk hız ne ise son hızda o olmalıdır.Senin dediğin olay şöyledir.
Ya filter setting ayarlarında arc radyuslarını bozmuşundur. Ve yada köşelerde çok paso bırakıp kalemi abandığından oluyodur.Şöyle bir sorunda olabilir
köşe radyusu çapıkadar kalem kullanıyosan makina bir anda dönemeçte hızını sıfıra indirip yanduvara ilerler.Herköşeye geldiğinde hep aynı yerde duramıyacağı için radyusta tırtıklar oluşur.Eğer sorunun böle bişeyse radyüsden daha küçük kalemle çalış.Erğersenin Dedigin dönerken yavaşlarsa
kalemin işleme esnemesi makina yavaşladığı için azaldığından dolayı kalem, radyusları daha çok kesecektir.Böylece parça hassasiyet kalitesini yitirecektir.
Bunun tek çaresi semi finişte özellikle radyuslarda az paso bırakman lazım(0.5-0.8).Eğer master camin lisanslı makinanda look ahead özelliği iyiyse takım yolu çözünürlüğünü arttırmalarını iste.BEn topsolidlede çalıştım aynı sorunları ordada gördüm.Sorun işleme teknolojinde.Programda değil.Zaten programcıyı programcı yapan butün püf noktaları bilip ona göre işleme stratejisi uygulamasıdır.hadi iyvallah.
29 Eylül 2006 00:00# 5
Üyelik : 23.09.2006
Yaş : 50
Şehir : İstanbul
Mesaj Sayısı : 1
Cevap : merhaba
bana öğterirmisiniz nasıl bişey oluyor o
03 Ekim 2006 00:00# 6
Üyelik : 29.09.2006
Yaş : 40
Şehir : İstanbul
Mesaj Sayısı : 32
Cevap : merhaba
Ben henüz yeniyim ve bu progam üzerinde çalışıp öğrenmek istiyorum en uygun mastercam süümünü nereden indirebilirim
03 Ekim 2006 00:00# 7
Üyelik : 29.09.2006
Yaş : 40
Şehir : İstanbul
Mesaj Sayısı : 32
Cevap : merhaba
Master cam gereken CNC kodlaını oluşturuyorsa mastercam bilen bir insanın CNC pogramlamayı bilmesine geek vamı?
14 Ekim 2006 21:54# 8
Üyelik : 14.10.2006
Yaş : 40
Şehir : İstanbul
Mesaj Sayısı : 57
Cevap : merhaba
aynı zamanda fanucdanda havuz islerken veya kontur atarken yumsatma özeligi war yanlız hangi komut oludugu aklıma gelmiyor simdi Q muydu bilmiyorum teknik servisinize sorun söleyecektir
14 Ekim 2006 22:17# 9
Üyelik : 27.09.2005
Yaş : 50
Şehir : İstanbul
Mesaj Sayısı : 145
Cevap : merhaba
Arkadaşlar cam proğrmalarının çoğunda cam den cnc diline çeviren ara POST dosyaları vardır bunları eğer biliyorsanız kendi tezgahınıza göre ek opsiyon ve düzenlemeler yapabilirsiniz.Çünkü tezgahın özelliklerini sizden başkası daha iyi bilmez

Aşağıdaki mastercam POST dosyası Sİemens 810 D Shopmill için başka bir POST dosyasını düzenleyerek yazmıştım.

# Post Name : TAKSAN TMC 700 V 27/10/2003 EFKAN (MPAMC4)
# Product : MILL
# Machine Name : TAKSAN TMC 700 V
# Control Name : SIEMENS 810 D
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Users Note:
# Following Misc_Reals & Misc_Integers are used:
# mi1 - Work coordinate system
# 4 thru 9 = The WCS of G54 thru G59 respectively at each tool.
## Options / Usage:
# It is recommended to start and end cutter compensation on a linear move.
# Canned text:
# Entering cantext on a contour point from within Mastercam allows the
# following functions to enable/disable.
# Cantext value:
# 1 = Stop = output the "M00" stop code
# 2 = Ostop = output the "M01" optional stop code
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
# DEBUG/PROGRAM SWITCHES, debugging and program switches
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
bug1 : 1 # 1 = Output post to screen, 2 = output leader to screen
bug2 : 0 # Append postline labels, non-zero is column position?
bug3 : 0 # Append whatline no. to each NC line?
bug4 : 0 # Append NCI line no. to each NC line?
whatno : yes # Do not perform whatline branches?

get_1004 : 1 #Find gcode 1004 with getnextop?
strtool_v7 : 2 # Extract tool description from 20001 line
rpd_typ_v7 : 1 #Use Version 7 style contour flags?
cant_tlchng : 1 #Ignore cantext entry on move with tlchng_aft

fastmode : yes # Set to no for debugging
arcoutput : 1 # 0 = IJK, 1 = R no sign, 2 = R signed neg. over 180 EFKAN IJK R AÇKAPA
breakarcs : 0 #Break arcs, 0 = no, 1 = quadrants, 2 = 180deg. max arcs

arccheck : 1 #Check for small arcs, convert to linear
ltol : .002 #Length tolerance for arccheck
stagetool : 0 # 0 = Do not pre-stage tools, 1 = Stage tools EFKAN 1 OLDUĞUNDAN SONDA TAKIM YAZIYOR
use_gear : no # Set to yes to output gear range codes
newglobal : yes # updated error checking for Global Formula
cc_1013 : 1 # Read Compensation from 1013 line

# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
# FORMAT STATEMENTS - n=nonmodal, l=leading, t=trailing, i=inc, d=delta
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
fs 1 0.3 #Decimal, absolute, 4 place #EFKAN ONDALIKLI SAYI ADEDİ
fs 2 0.4d #Decimal, delta
fs 3 1 0 #Integer, not leading
fs 4 2 0l #Integer, two leading
fs 5 3 0l #Integer, three leading
fs 6 4 0l #Integer, four leading
fs 7 0.1 #Decimal, absolute, 1 place
fs 8 0.2 #Decimal, absolute, 2 place
fs 9 0.3 #Decimal, absolute, 3 place
fs 10 0 4t #No decimal, absolute, four trailing
fs 11 0.4t #Decimal, absolute, four trailing

# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Axis output formats - Linear
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
fmt X 1 x # X axis position
fmt Y 1 y # Y axis position
fmt Z 1 z # Z axis position
fmt X 1 xr # X rapid position from tool change
fmt Y 1 yr # Y rapid position from tool change
fmt Z 1 zr # Z rapid position from tool change
fmt X 1 xh # X home position
fmt Y 1 yh # Y home position
fmt Z 1 zh # Z home position

# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Axis output formats - Circular
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
fmt I 2 i # Arc center description in X
fmt J 2 j # Arc center description in Y
fmt K 2 k # Arc center description in Z
fmt CR"=" 1 arcrad # Arc Radius EFKAN C VE = EKLENDI
fmt CR"="- 1 arcradm # Arc Radius over 180 degree sweep EFKAN C VE = EKLENDI

# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Program & Sequence number format
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
fmt p 6 progno # Program number
fmt N 3 n # Sequence nos. EFKAN SATIR NO KOY

# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Tool format
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
fmt T 3 first_tool# First Tool Used (bldnxtool: yes)
fmt T 3 next_tool # Next Tool Used (bldnxtool: yes)
fmt D 3 tloffno # Diameter Offset No
fmt H 3 tlngno # Length Offset No

fmt "TOOL - " 4 tnote # Note format EFKAN TAKIM NOTU DEVRE DISI
fmt "DIA. OFF. - " 4 toffnote # Note format
fmt "LENGTH - " 4 tlngnote # Note format
fmt "DIA :" 11 tldia # Note format
fmt E_TS(""" 3 efefe #EFKAN EKLEME TANIM
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Spindle Speeds & Feedrate output formats
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
fmt S 3 speed # Spindle Speed
fmt F 8 fr # Feedrate
fmt F 7 frdeg # Feedrate for rotary
fmt M 3 gear # Gear range

# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Drill variable formats EFKAN DELİK PARAMETRELERİ
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
fmt G 3 drillref # Initial / Reference Toggle (G98/G99)
fmt P 10 dwell # Dwell
fmt Z 1 initht # Initial Height
fmt R 1 refht # Reference Height
fmt Z 1 depth # Depth
fmt Q 10 peck1 # First peck increment (positive)
fmt 1 peck2 # Second or last peck (positive)
fmt 1 peckclr # Safety distance
fmt 1 retr # Retract height
fmt F 8 frplunge # Plunge feedrate in drill cycles

# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Miscellaneous output formats
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
fmt M 5 ssrange # Spindle Speed Range
fmt C 4 coolant # Coolant
fmt M 4 cantext

# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
# INITIALIZE - initialize system variables and define user variables
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
arctype : 2 # Arc center 1=abs, 2=St-Ctr, 3=Ctr-St, 4=unsigned inc.
do_full_arc : 0 #Allow full circle output? 0=no, 1=yes
helix_arc : 0 #Support helix arc output, 0=no, 1=all planes, 2=XY plane only
bldnxtool : yes # Build next tool table
ldrcode : 65 # Leader character dec. equiv. (fleader outputs code)
ncldr : 20 # No. of leader characters (fleader outputs code)
nobrk : yes # Omit breakup of x/y & z rapid moves
omitrefht : no # Don`t use reference height on first non-canned Z move
omitseq : no # Omit sequence no. EFKAN SATIRLARA N VE NUMARA KOY VEYA KOYMA
omitz : no # Omit first Z movement for non-canned-cycles
progname : 1 # Use uppercase for program name
seqmax : 9999 # Max. sequence no.
skipmotest: no # Skip motion test in linear
spaces : 1 # No. of spaces to add between fields
tooltable : 1 # Read for tool table and pwrtt

absswp : 0 # Absolute sweep
maxfrdeg : 999 # Limit for feed in deg/min
absinc : 0 # Absolute/Incremental toggle for modality EFKAN EKRANDA G90 91 GÖRÜNSÜNMÜ
tcnt : 0 # Count the number of tool changes
cc_canflg : 0

# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
# FORMULAS - global formulas
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
speed = abs ( ss ) # Absolute spindle speed
arcradm = arcrad # Negative arcrad
spdlsel = fsg3(ss) # Spindle on selector based on pos. or neg. ss

# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
# CANNED CYCLES - select long or short code EFKAN CYCYLE AÇ KAPAMA YERİ
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
usecandrill : no # Use canned cycle for drill
usecanpeck : no # Use canned cycle for Peck
usecanchip : no # Use canned cycle for Chip Break
usecantap : no # Use canned cycle for Tap
usecanbore1 : no # Use canned cycle for Bore1
usecanbore2 : no # Use canned cycle for Bore2
usecanmisc1 : no # Use canned cycle for Misc1
usecanmisc2 : no # Use canned cycle for Misc2

# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Lookup table definitions - for math functions FLOOK and FRANGE
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
flktbl 1 3 # Lookup table definitions - table no. - no. entries
40 1000 # Low gear range
41 2500 # Med gear range
42 5000 # Hi gear range

# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Strings - String labels must start with `s` - they are not pre-assigned EFKAN NOT YAZAR
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
#select operation note
sop00 NULL # String definition EFKAN BİLGİ EKRANI
sop01 2D-CONTOUR. # " "
sop02 3D-CONTOUR. # " "
sop03 DRILL/MISC. # " "
sop04 POCKET. # " "
sop05 RULED. # " "
sop06 2D-SWEPT. # " "
sop07 3D-SWEPT. # " "
sop08 REVOLVED. # " "
sop09 LOFT. # " "
sop10 COONS. # " "
sop11 TRIM . # " "
sop12 FILLET. # " "
sop13 ROUGH. # " "
sop14 OP14. # " "
sop15 OP15. # " "
sop16 OP16.
sop17 OP17.
sop18 OP18.
sop19 OP19.
sop20 OP20.

sopnote # Target string

fstrsel sop00 opcode sopnote

# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
# select motion G code
sg00 G00 # Linear movement at rapid feedrate
sg01 G01 # Linear movement at feedrate
sg02 G02 # Circular interpolation CW
sg03 G03 # Circular interpolation CCW
sg04 G04 # Dwell

sgcode # Target string

fstrsel sg00 gcode sgcode

# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
# select incremental or absolute G code
sg90 G90 # Absolute G code
sg91 G91 # Incremental G code

sgabsinc # Target string

fstrsel sg90 absinc sgabsinc

# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
# select spindle start
sm04 M04 # Spindle reverse
sm05 M05 # Spindle off
sm03 M03 # Spindle forward

spdlon # Target string

fstrsel sm04 spdlsel spdlon

# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Cutter compensation code
sg40 # Cutter compensation state not changed
sg41 G41 # Cutter compensation left
sg42 G42 # Cutter compensation right
sg140 # Last linear move cancel cutter comp (see note)
# Note: to cancel comp after last move, remove G40 string
# with sg140 and remove "#" at the postline call "pcancelcc"

sccomp # Target string

fstrsel sg40 cc_pos sccomp

# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
# select work plane G code
sg17 G17 # XY plane code
sg19 G19 # XZ plane code
sg18 G18 # YZ plane code

sgplane # Target string

fstrsel sg17 plane sgplane

# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Work coordinate system
sg50 G92 # Work coordinate system G code
sg51 G92 # " " " " "
sg52 G92 # " " " " "
sg53 G92 # " " " " "
sg54 G54 # " " " " "
sg55 G55 # " " " " "
sg56 G56 # " " " " "
sg57 G57 # " " " " "
sg58 G58 # " " " " "
sg59 G59 # " " " " "

sgwcs # Target string

fstrsel sg50 mi1 sgwcs

# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Canned drill cycle string select
sg81 M52 # drill - no dwell
sg81d M52 # drill - with dwell
sg83 # peck drill - no dwell
sg83d # peck drill - with dwell
sg73 # chip break - no dwell
sg73d # chip break - with dwell
sg84 # tap - no dwell
sg84d # tap - with dwell (selects left hand)
sg85 # bore #1 - no dwell
sg85d # bore #1 - with dwell
sg86 # bore #2 - no dwell
sg86d # bore #2 - with dwell
sgm1 # misc #1 - no dwell
sgm1d # misc #1 - with dwell
sgm2 # misc #2 - no dwell
sgm2d # misc #2 - with dwell

sgdrill # Target string

drlgsel = drillcyc * 2 + fsg2 ( dwell ) # 16 possible combinations:
# drillcyc = 0..7
# dwell = 0 or non-zero (2 states)
fstrsel sg81 drlgsel sgdrill

# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Generate `sgear` string
sgear0 M** # auto gear range
sgear1 M41 # Low gear range
sgear2 M42 # Med gear range
sgear3 M43 # High gear range - selected in parameters by mi3

fstrsel sgear0 gear sgear

# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
#Cantext string definitions (spaces must be padded here)
sm00 "M00"
sm01 "M01"
strm M

# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
# POSTLINES, USER-DEFINED - Postline labels start with `p`.
# End a line with `,` to continue on the next line.
# End a line with `, e` to generate carriage return and linefeed.
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Program general output control, user defined
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
pinit # Initialize Vars
absinc = 0
prv_fr = 999.999
prv_frplunge = 999.999
cc_canflg = 0 #EFKAN G40/41/42 KOY 0 DI 1 YAPTIM

pcomment # Manual Entry - COMMENTS (on a block by itself) 1005,1006
pabs # Absolute G code output

pinc # Incremental G code output
absinc = 1

pcooloff # Coolant off "M" code output
if prv_coolant > 0, "M09"

pcoolon # Coolant off "M" code output
if coolant > 0, "M08" # Flood

pcoolnl # Coolant off "M" code output
if coolant = 0, "M09" # Off
else, "M08" # Flood

pfr # Feedrate W/O Negative Feedrates
if fr > 0, fr

pdwell_chk # Canned text (after)
if opcode = 3 & dwell <> 0 & gcode = 1 & z = depth, pdwell2

pdwell2 #Dwell output
gcode = 4
n, *sgcode, *dwell, e

# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Capture Tool Comments
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
ptoolcomm # Commment from Tools.mtl
strtool = ucase(strtool)

# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Work coordinate output, user defined
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
pwcs # G54+ coordinate setting
if mi1 <> prv_mi1, *sgwcs, *xh, *yh, e

# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Gear selection control, user defined
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
pgear # Find spindle range
gear = frange ( 1, speed )

prange # Find spindle range
if use_gear = 1, pgear

# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Cutter comp. output control, user defined
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
pccdia2 # Cutter Compensation2
if ccomp <> 4, tloffno

pccdia # Cutter Compensation
if ccomp <> 0, pccdia2

# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Axis linear/circular motion, user defined EFKAN ARC DAİRE TANIMLARI
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
parctyp2 # Arc output for R w/ sign over 180 degree sweep
absswp = abs ( sweep )
if absswp <= 180, *arcrad #EFKAN CR-+ OLAYI
if absswp > 180, *arcradm

parctyp1 # Arc output for R w/ no sign

parctyp0 # Arc output for IJK
if plane = 0, *i, *j, k
if plane = 1, i, *j, *k
if plane = 2, *i, j, *k

parctyp # select the arc output
if arcoutput = 0, parctyp0
if arcoutput = 1, parctyp1
if arcoutput = 2, parctyp2

# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Drilling, user defined MATKAP TANIMLARI
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------

pdrillref # Determine G98 or G99
if initht <> refht, drillref = 98
if initht = refht, drillref = 99

pdwell # Determine whether to output dwell
if dwell <> 0, *dwell

ptlchg0dr3 # Null tool change for drilling
gcode = 0
if zr < prv_zr, n, sgcode, *xr, *yr, e
n, sgcode, *zr, e

ptlchg0dr2 # Null tool change for drilling
if zr <> prv_zr, ptlchg0dr3

ptlchg0drl # Null tool change for drilling
if prv_opcode = 3, ptlchg0dr2

pdrlxy # Drill Position
x, y

# -------------------------EFKANPOST-------------------------------------------------
# POSTLINES, PRE-DEFINED - Postline names are pre-assigned.EFKAN POST TANIMLARI
# Lines do not need to end with `, e` for carriage return and linefeed.
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
pheader # File header

psof0 # Start of file for tool zero

psof # Start of file for non-zero tool number
spaces = 0
"%_N_", progname ,"_MPF" #EFKAN
spaces = 1
n,"E_HEAD(1077415928,-150,-150,-30,150,150,0,71,17,2,100,1,1)" #EFKAN
!opcode, !coolant
n, pabs
n, pwcs
if stagetool = 0, n, "M06", *t ,"D1" #EFKAN D1 EKLENDİ
if stagetool = 1, n, "M06", *next_tool
pcan1, n, "G00",*xr, *yr, strcantext #EFKAN sccomp EKLENDİ TOOL CHANGE DEN SONRAKİ İLK HAREKET
n, "G64",*spdlon, *speed, prange #EFKAN G64 EKLENDİ DURAKLAMA OLMASIN
n, *zr ,pcoolon #EFKAN SOGUTUCU AÇIK

ptlchg0 # Null tool change
if opcode = 3, ptlchg0drl
if prv_speed <> speed, n, *spdlon, speed
#if coolant <> prv_coolant, n, pcoolnl
!opcode, !coolant

ptlchg # Tool change
n, "M05" ,pcooloff #EFKAN TOL CHANGE
comment #AÇIKLAMA
n, pabs
n, pwcs
if stagetool = 0, n, "M06", *t,"D1" #EFKAN D1 EKLENDİ
if stagetool = 1, n, "M06", *next_tool
pcan1, n, "G00", *xr, *yr, strcantext #EFKAN OFSET 2 NCİ TOL CHANGE SONRAKİ İLK HAREKET
n,"G64", *spdlon, *speed, prange #EFKAN G64 EKLENDİ DURAKLAMA OLMASIN
n, "G00", *zr ,pcoolon #EFKAN PCOOLON EKLENDİ

peof0 # End of file for tool zero

peof # End of file for non-zero tool
n, "M05" ,pcooloff
if stagetool = 1, n, "M06", *first_tool
#n, "G00", *xh, *yh #EFKAN İPTAL
n, pabs
n, "M30"

# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
prapid # Linear line movement - at rapid feedrate
pcan1, n, sgplane, sgcode, x, y, z, strcantext #EFKAN sccomp eklendi RAPİD Z
if cc_canflg = 1, pcancelcc_2

pzrapid # Linear movement in Z axis only - at rapid feedrate
pcan1, n, sgcode, z, strcantext
if cc_canflg = 1, pcancelcc_2

plin # Linear line movement - at feedrate
n, sccomp
pcan1, n, sgcode, x, y, z, pfr, strcantext #EFKAN G01 Lİ SATIRLARI

pz # Linear movement in Z axis only - at feedrate
n, sccomp
pcan1, n, sgcode, z, pfr, strcantext

pcir # Circular interpolation
n, sccomp
pcan1, n, sgplane, sgcode, x, y, z, parctyp, pfr, strcantext #EFKAN ARC LARI

# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
pdrill # Canned Drill Cycle
n, *drillref, *sgdrill, pdrlxy, *depth, *refht, pdwell, *frplunge

ppeck # Canned Peck Drill Cycle
n, *drillref, *sgdrill, pdrlxy, *depth, *refht, *peck1, *frplunge

pchpbrk # Canned Chip Break Cycle
n, *drillref, *sgdrill, pdrlxy, *depth, *refht, *peck1, *frplunge

ptap # Canned Tap Cycle
n, *drillref, *sgdrill, pdrlxy, *depth, *refht, *frplunge

pbore1 # Canned Bore #1 Cycle
n, *drillref, *sgdrill, pdrlxy, *depth, *refht, pdwell, *frplunge

pbore2 # Canned Bore #2 Cycle
n, *drillref, *sgdrill, pdrlxy, *depth, *refht, *frplunge

pmisc1 # Canned Misc #1 Cycle (User Option)

pmisc2 # Canned Misc #2 Cycle (User Option)

pdrill_2 # Canned Drill Cycle
n, pdrlxy, refht, depth

ppeck_2 # Canned Peck Drill Cycle

pchpbrk_2 # Canned Chip Break Cycle

ptap_2 # Canned Tap Cycle

pbore1_2 # Canned Bore #1 Cycle

pbore2_2 # Canned Bore #2 Cycle

pmisc1_2 # Canned Misc #1 Cycle

pmisc2_2 # Canned Misc #2 Cycle

pcanceldc # Cancel canned drill cycle
prv_z = initht

pcancelcc # Cancel cutter comp.
cc_canflg = 1

n, "G40", e
cc_canflg = 0

pwrtt # Write tool table, scans entire file, null tools are negative
tnote = t
toffnote = tloffno
tlngnote = tlngno
#if t >= 0, n,";", *tnote, ptoolcomm, *tldia, ",", *sopnote, #EFKAN takim BILGI
#if t >= 0, tcnt = tcnt + 1

# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Canned Text
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
pcan #Canned text - before output call
strcantext = sblank
if cant_no > 0,
if cant_pos1 = 0, pcant_1
if cant_pos2 = 0, pcant_2
if cant_pos3 = 0, pcant_3
if cant_pos4 = 0, pcant_4
if cant_pos5 = 0, pcant_5
if cant_pos6 = 0, pcant_6
if cant_pos7 = 0, pcant_7
if cant_pos8 = 0, pcant_8
if cant_pos9 = 0, pcant_9
if cant_pos10 = 0, pcant_10
n, strcantext, e
strcantext = sblank

pcan1 #Canned text - with move
strcantext = sblank
if cant_no > 0,
if cant_pos1 = 1, pcant_1
if cant_pos2 = 1, pcant_2
if cant_pos3 = 1, pcant_3
if cant_pos4 = 1, pcant_4
if cant_pos5 = 1, pcant_5
if cant_pos6 = 1, pcant_6
if cant_pos7 = 1, pcant_7
if cant_pos8 = 1, pcant_8
if cant_pos9 = 1, pcant_9
if cant_pos10 = 1, pcant_10
if cstop, strcantext = strcantext + sm00
if cgstop, strcantext = strcantext + sm01
#Output of strcantext occurs at the end of the output line

pcan2 #Canned text - after output call
strcantext = sblank
if cant_no > 0,
if cant_pos1 = 2, pcant_1
if cant_pos2 = 2, pcant_2
if cant_pos3 = 2, pcant_3
if cant_pos4 = 2, pcant_4
if cant_pos5 = 2, pcant_5
if cant_pos6 = 2, pcant_6
if cant_pos7 = 2, pcant_7
if cant_pos8 = 2, pcant_8
if cant_pos9 = 2, pcant_9
if cant_pos10 = 2, pcant_10
n, strcantext, e
strcantext = sblank

pcant_1 #Canned text - output call
cantext = cant_val1

pcant_2 #Canned text - output call
cantext = cant_val2

pcant_3 #Canned text - output call
cantext = cant_val3

pcant_4 #Canned text - output call
cantext = cant_val4

pcant_5 #Canned text - output call
cantext = cant_val5

pcant_6 #Canned text - output call
cantext = cant_val6

pcant_7 #Canned text - output call
cantext = cant_val7

pcant_8 #Canned text - output call
cantext = cant_val8

pcant_9 #Canned text - output call
cantext = cant_val9

pcant_10 #Canned text - output call
cantext = cant_val10

pcant_out #Canned text - build the string for output
#Assign string select type outputs
#Build the cantext string
if cantext = 1, strcantext = strcantext + sm00
if cantext = 2, strcantext = strcantext + sm01
if cantext > 2,
strtextno = no2str(cantext)
strcantext = strcantext + strm + strtextno

# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Numbered questions for Mastercam -- Used by Mill 5
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
38. Rapid feedrate? 1000.0
1538. Rapid feedrate (metric)? 10000.0

#76. Name of associated CFG file? T
80. Communications port number for receive and transmit (1 or 2) ? 1
81. Data rate (110,150,300,600,1200,2400,4800,9600,14400,19200,38400)? 9600
82. Parity (E/O/N)? E
83. Data bits (7 or 8)? 7
84. Stop bits (1 or 2)? 2
85. Strip line feeds? N
86. Delay after end of line (seconds)? 0
87. Ascii, Eia, or Binary (A/E/B)? A
88. Echo keyboard to screen in terminal emulation? n
89. Strip carriage returns? N
90. Drive and subdirectory for NC files?
91. Name of executable post processor? MP
92. Name of reverse post processor? RP
93. Reverse post PST file name? JAFO
100. Number of places BEFORE the decimal point for sequence numbers? 3
101. Number of places AFTER the decimal point for sequence numbers? 0
103. Maximum spindle speed? 6000
107. Average time for tool change (seconds)? 2.0
161. Enable Home Position button? y
162. Enable Reference Point button? n
163. Enable Misc. Values button? y
164. Enable Rotary Axis button? n
165. Enable Tool Plane button? n
166. Enable Construction Plane button? n
167. Enable Tool Display button? y
168. Check tplane during automatic work origin creation? n

##110. Default tool library? TOOLS.MTL

# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Default Miscellaneous Real Values
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
201. Default miscellaneous real variable 1 (mr1)? 0.0
202. Default miscellaneous real variable 2 (mr2)? 0.0
203. Default miscellaneous real variable 3 (mr3)? 0.0
204. Default miscellaneous real variable 4 (mr4)? 0.0
205. Default miscellaneous real variable 5 (mr5)? 0.0
206. Default miscellaneous real variable 6 (mr6)? 0.0
207. Default miscellaneous real variable 7 (mr7)? 0.0
208. Default miscellaneous real variable 8 (mr8)? 0.0
209. Default miscellaneous real variable 9 (mr9)? 0.0
210. Default miscellaneous real variable 10 (mr10)? 0.0

# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Default Miscellaneous Real Values (METRIC)
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
1601. Default miscellaneous real variable 1 (mr1) (metric)? 0.0
1602. Default miscellaneous real variable 2 (mr2) (metric)? 0.0
1603. Default miscellaneous real variable 3 (mr3) (metric)? 0.0
1604. Default miscellaneous real variable 4 (mr4) (metric)? 0.0
1605. Default miscellaneous real variable 5 (mr5) (metric)? 0.0
1606. Default miscellaneous real variable 6 (mr6) (metric)? 0.0
1607. Default miscellaneous real variable 7 (mr7) (metric)? 0.0
1608. Default miscellaneous real variable 8 (mr8) (metric)? 0.0
1609. Default miscellaneous real variable 9 (mr9) (metric)? 0.0
1610. Default miscellaneous real variable 10 (mr10) (metric)? 0.0

# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Enable/Disable Miscellaneous Real Variable switches
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
1611. Enable miscellaneous real variable 1? y
1612. Enable miscellaneous real variable 2? y
1613. Enable miscellaneous real variable 3? y
1614. Enable miscellaneous real variable 4? y
1615. Enable miscellaneous real variable 5? y
1616. Enable miscellaneous real variable 6? y
1617. Enable miscellaneous real variable 7? y
1618. Enable miscellaneous real variable 8? y
1619. Enable miscellaneous real variable 9? y
1620. Enable miscellaneous real variable 10? y

# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Default Miscellaneous Integer Values
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
301. Miscellaneous integer variable 1 (mi1)? 0
302. Miscellaneous integer variable 2 (mi2)? 0
303. Miscellaneous integer variable 3 (mi3)? 0
304. Miscellaneous integer variable 4 (mi4)? 0
305. Miscellaneous integer variable 5 (mi5)? 0
306. Miscellaneous integer variable 6 (mi6)? 0
307. Miscellaneous integer variable 7 (mi7)? 0
308. Miscellaneous integer variable 8 (mi8)? 0
309. Miscellaneous integer variable 9 (mi9)? 0
310. Miscellaneous integer variable 10 (mi10)? 0

# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Enable/Disable Miscellaneous Integer Variable switches
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
1621. Enable miscellaneous integer variable 1? y
1622. Enable miscellaneous integer variable 2? y
1623. Enable miscellaneous integer variable 3? y
1624. Enable miscellaneous integer variable 4? y
1625. Enable miscellaneous integer variable 5? y
1626. Enable miscellaneous integer variable 6? y
1627. Enable miscellaneous integer variable 7? y
1628. Enable miscellaneous integer variable 8? y
1629. Enable miscellaneous integer variable 9? y
1630. Enable miscellaneous integer variable 10? y

# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Configuration File association parameters (default is "y")
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
#400. Name of associated cfg file?
#400. Name of associated CFG file? T
401. Read SYSTEM COLORS section? y
402. Read ALLOCATIONS section? y
403. Read TOLERANCES section? y
404. Read DATA PATHS section? y
405. Read COMMUNICATIONS section? y
406. Read DRAFT SETTINGS section? y
407. Read MISCELLANEOUS section? y
408. Read NC SETTINGS section? y
409. Read DIALOG SCRIPTS section? y
410. Read DESIGN SETTINGS section? y
411. Read PLOTTER SETTINGS section? y
412. Read ALT-KEY ASSIGNMENTS section? y
413. Read CAD section? y
414. Read START/EXIT section? y
415. Read SCREEN section? y
416. Read FILE NAMES section? y

1500. Chook to execute from `Misc. values` button?
1501. insert parameter information in the ascii NCI? n
1502. Write operation information to binary file (.ops)? n

1520. Display a warning when cutter compensation in control simulation finds an error? n

# Do NOT manually change the answer for Q.1999 !
1999. Product major version number that post supports? 9

3001. Machine acceleration? 2
3002. timing size? .1

14 Ekim 2006 22:24# 10
Üyelik : 27.09.2005
Yaş : 50
Şehir : İstanbul
Mesaj Sayısı : 145
Cevap : merhaba

Buda Mastercamden Haidenhain TNC 355 e post dosyası *.PST

# Post Name : JAFO HEIDENHEIN TNC 355 EFKAN 27/10/2003 (MPHEID)
# Product : MILL
# Machine Name : JAFO
# Control Name : HEIDENHAIN TNC 355
# Associated Post : NONE
# Mill/Turn : NO
# 4-axis/Axis subs. : NO
# 5-axis : NO
# Subprograms : NO
# Executable : MP 7.07

# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Format Statements - i=incr, n=nonmodal, l=leave ldg, t=leave trlg, d=delta
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
fs 2 +1^4n
fs 3 3 0
fs 4 2 0n
fs 5 4 1t
fs 6 2 0ln
fs 7 3 0ln
fs 8 4 n
fs 9 1.4
fs 10 1.4ln
fs 11 +1.3ln
fs 12 4 ln

# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Format Assignments
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Axis output formats - Linear
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
fmt X 1 x # X Axis Pos
fmt Y 1 y # Y Axis Pos
fmt Z 1 z # Z Axis Pos
fmt X 1 xr # X Rapid Pos
fmt Y 1 yr # Y Rapid Pos
fmt Z 1 zr # Z Rapid Pos
fmt X 1 xh # X Home Pos
fmt Y 1 yh # Y Home Pos
fmt Z 1 zh # Z Home Pos
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Axis output formats - Circular
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
fmt X 1 i # Arc center description in X
fmt Y 1 j # Arc center description in Y
fmt Z 1 k # Arc center description in Z
fmt X 1 xc # Arc Center X EFKAN 10 IDI CC
fmt Y 1 yc # Arc Center Y EFKAN 10 IDI CC
fmt R 9 arcrad # Arc Radius
fmt 1 sweep # Angle between start and end of arc
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Program & Sequence number format
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
fmt 8 progno # Program number
fmt 4 seqno # Starting Sequence No.
fmt 4 seqinc # Sequence No.Increment
fmt 4 n # Main Program Seq No`s
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Tool format
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
fmt 4 t # Tool No
fmt R 2 tldia # Tool Diameter
fmt R 2 tlrad # Tool Radius
fmt 9 trflat # Tool Flat Rad.
fmt 9 tcr # Tool Corner Rad
fmt D 4 tloffno # Diameter Offset No
fmt L 2 tlngno # Length Offset No
fmt 1 tlplnno # Tool Plane No.
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Spindle Speeds & Feedrate output formats
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
fmt S 4 ss # Spindle Speed
fmt 4 spprev # Hold previous selspin value for spin change
fmt 4 cc_sav # Hold previous cc_pos value for comp change
fmt 8 selspin # Spindle Dir
fmt 4 fr # Feedrate EFKAN 5 DI
fmt 4 fr2 # Feedrate 2 EFKAN 5 DI
fmt 5 frrapid # Rapid
fmt 4 dirchg # Feerate Accel/Decel Flag
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Miscellaneous output formats
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
fmt M 4 sscode # Spindle Speed Code (M59 - M77 from tbl 1)
fmt 4 gcode # Format linear G-code selector for modality only
fmt C 4 coolant # Coolant
fmt M 6 cantext # Canned text output variable
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Drill variable formats
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
fmt 1 drillcyc # drillcyc = 0..7
fmt 1 drillcur # Drill with current cycle flag (=1 if true)
fmt G 4 drillref # Initial / Reference Toggle (G98/G99)
fmt 10 dwell # Dwell
fmt Z 10 initht # Initial Height
fmt Z 10 refht # Reference Height
fmt 10 depth # Depth
fmt 10 peck1 # First peck increment (negative)
fmt 10 peck2 # Second or last peck (negative)
fmt 10 setup # Safety Distance (-initht)
fmt 10 peckg # Feed Depth (peck1)
fmt 2 peckclr # Safety distance
fmt 1 retr # Retract height
fmt F 5 frplunge # Plunge feedrate in drill cycles

# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Formulas - Use `:` instead of `=` to initialize variables
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
m_one : -1 # Define Constant
zero : 0 # Define Constant
one : 1 # Define Constant
two : 2 # Define Constant
three : 3 # Define Constant
c9k : 15000 # Define Constant
tooltable : no # Output tool table
spaces : yes # No. of spaces to add between fields
nobrk : no # omit breakup of x/y & z rapid moves
omitcrlf : no # Omit CR/LF- Used for floppy output of - .NC files
omitz : no # Omit first Z movement for non-canned-cycles
omitrefht : no # Don`t use reference height on first non-canned Z move
seqmax : c9k # Max. sequence no.
omitseq : no # Omit sequence no.?
frrapid : 2000 # Rapid feedrate? 2000
frmax : 4000 # Maximum feedrate? 4000
ssmax : 3500 # Maximum spindle speed? 3500
breakarcs : 0 #Break arcs, 0 = no, 1 = quadrants, 2 = 180deg. max arcs

arctype : two # Arc center 1=abs, 2=St-Ctr, 3=Ctr-St, 4=unsigned inc.
do_full_arc : 0 #Allow full circle output? 0=no, 1=yes
helix_arc : 0 #Support helix arc output, 0=no, 1=all planes, 2=XY plane only
ncldr : 20 # No. of leader characters
ldrcode : 65 # Leader character dec. equiv.
drlgsel : m_one # Drill select Initialize
spprev : m_one # Initial value for last spindle state

#Cantext string definitions (spaces must be padded here)
sm00 "M00"
sm01 "M01"
strm "M"

# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
usecandrill : yes # Use canned cycle for Drill
usecanpeck : yes # Use canned cycle for Peck
usecanchip : yes # Use canned cycle for Chip Break
usecantap : yes # Use canned cycle for Tap
usecanbore1 : yes # Use canned cycle for Bore1
usecanbore2 : yes # Use canned cycle for Bore2
usecanmisc1 : yes # Use canned cycle for Misc1
usecanmisc2 : yes # Use canned cycle for Misc2

# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
# DEBUG - Switches for debugging purposes
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
bug1 : 2 # 1 = Output post to screen, 2 = output leader to screen
bug2 : 30 # Add postline label to each line at column `bug2` at ? Columns
bug3 : 0 # Add whatline to each line? yes/no
bug4 : 1 # Add -.nci line no. to each line? yes/no
whatno : yes # Ignore whatline branches to plin1 etc.?

strtool_v7 : 2 #Use Version 7 toolname, 1= path components, 2=string
get_1004 : 1 #Find gcode 1004 with getnextop?
rpd_typ_v7 : 1 #Use Version 7 style contour flags?

fastmode : yes # Set to No for Debugging
tlchng_aft : yes #

# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Strings - String labels must start with `s` - they are not pre-assigned
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
sdef "CYCL DEF" #String Constants
specking "1.0 PECKING"
stapping "2.0 TAPPING"
ssetup "SET UP "
sdepth "DEPTH "
speckg "PECKG "
sdwell "DWELL "
stoolcall "TOOL CALL "
sbeginpgm "BEGIN PGM "
sendpgm "END PGM "
sinch MM
smax 4000
strc C
strcc CC
strf F
strl L
strr R
strr0 R0
sm99 M99
strz Z

# --------------------------------------------------------------------------

sg00 L # Linear movement at rapid feedrate G code
sg01 L # Linear movement at feedrate G code
sg02 DR- # Circular interpolation CW G code
sg03 DR+ # Circular interpolation CCW G code
sgcode # Target string for linear/circular motion G code

fstrsel sg00 gcode sgcode # select motion G code string

# --------------------------------------------------------------------------

sm09 M9 # Coolant off
sm08f M8 # Coolant on
sm08m M8 # Coolant on
sm08t # Coolant on
smcool # Coolant code target string

fstrsel sm09 coolant smcool # Boolean handles modality
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------

sg40 R0 # cancel cutter compensation
sg41 RL # cutter compensation left
sg42 RR # cutter compensation right
sccomp # select cutter compensation

fstrsel sg40 cc_pos sccomp

# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Misc. Postline labels
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
pinit # Initialize Vars
prv_fr = c9k
prv_frplunge = c9k
prv_coolant = zero
if opcode = three, prv_z = initht
progno = prv_progno

pcomment # Manual Entry - COMMENTS (on a block by itself) 1005,1006
#n, strl, scomm #EFKAN AÇIKLAMA İPTAL

pijk # Force Plane Change "I, J, K" Values
if plane = zero, *i, *j, k
if plane = one, i, *j, *k
if plane = two, *i, j, *k

pcc # cutter comp
if cc_sav <> cc_pos, *sccomp
else, strr
cc_sav = cc_pos

pspdl # spindle and coolant state
selspin = fsg2(coolant) * three + fsg3(ss)
if spprev <> selspin, "M03" # M03 = spindle on, coolant on
if spprev = selspin, pchk_cool
spprev = selspin

pchk_cool # Output coolant as needed
if coolant <> prv_coolant, smcool
else, strm

pfr # Feedrate
if fr >= zero, fr2 = fr
if gcode = zero, fr2 = zero
if fr2 > zero, strf, fr2
if fr2 = zero, strf, smax

psg00 # Output "G00" via String select Function to maintain modality
gcode = zero

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Postline - pre-assigned EFKANPOST BİLGİLERİ
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Start / End Tool
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
pheader # File header
n, sbeginpgm, *progno, sinch
n,"BLK FORM 0.1 Z X-200 Y-200 Z-30" #EFKAN BLK FORM
n,"BLK FORM 0.2 X+200 Y+200 Z+0" #EFKAN
n, stoolcall,"0",strz,"S" #EFKAN TOL CAL 0 Z S
n,strl,zr,pcc,strf,smax,strm #EFKAN EKLEDİ TOL CHANGE POS OLARAK
psof0 # Start of file for tool zero 1001

psof # Start of file for non-zero tool number 1001

n,"TOOL DEF " , t,"L+0", tlrad #EFKAN EKLENDİ
n, stoolcall, t, strz, *ss
#n, strl, strr, strf, "M06" #EFKAN İPTAL ETTİ
n, strl, *xh, *yh, pcc, strf, smax, strm
pcan1, n, strl, *x, *y, pcc, strf,smax, pspdl, strcantext, e
if opcode <> three, n, strl, *z, pcc, strf, smax, strm

ptlchg0 # Null tool change 1000
if prv_ss <> ss, n, stoolcall, t, strz, *ss

ptlchg # Tool change 1002
n,"TOOL DEF " , t,"L+0", tlrad #EFKAN EKLENDİ
n, stoolcall, t, strz, *ss
#n, strl, strr, strf, "M06" # EFKAN İPTAL
pcan1, n, strl, *x, *y, pcc, strf, smax, pspdl, strcantext, e
if opcode <> three, n, strl, *z, pcc, strf, smax, strm

peof0 # End of file for tool zero 1003

peof # End of file for non-zero tool 1003
n,strl,zr,pcc,strf,smax,"M02" #EFKAN EKLEDİ Z YÜKSEGE ÇIK
#n, strl, strr, strf, "M02" #EFKAN İPTAL
n, sendpgm, *progno, sinch

# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
prapid # Linear line movement - at rapid feedrate 0
pcan1, n, sgcode, x, y, z, pcc, pfr, pspdl, strcantext, e #EFKAN DAİRE BAŞINA HIZLI

pzrapid # Linear movement in Z axis only - at rapid feedrate 0
n, sgcode, z, pcc, pfr, pspdl #EFKAN Z YAKLAŞMA UZAKLAŞMA

plin # Linear line movement - at feedrate 1
pcan1, n, sgcode, x, y, z, pcc, pfr, pspdl, strcantext, e #EFKAN LINE F Lİ SATIRLARI

pz # Linear movement in Z axis only - at feedrate 1
n, sgcode, z, pcc, pfr, pspdl

pcir # Circular interpolation 2
n, strcc, *xc, *yc, e, #EFKAN CC LER sonradan * eklendi
pcan1, n, strc, x, y, z, *sgcode, pcc, pfr, pspdl, strcantext, e #EFKAN C LER

# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Drilling Section
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
pdrill_calc # Drilling Calculations
setup = abs(refht) * m_one
peckg = abs(peck1) * m_one

pdrill # Canned Drill Cycle
n, sdef, specking
n, sdef, "1.1", ssetup, setup
n, sdef, "1.2", sdepth, depth
n, sdef, "1.3", speckg, peckg
n, sdef, "1.4", sdwell, dwell
n, sdef, "1.5", strf, *fr
n, strl, *x, *y, strr0, strf, smax, "M03" # EFKAN* EKLENDİ
n, strl, *initht, strr, strf, smax, strm
n, strl, *refht, strr, strf, smax, smcool
n, strl, *refht, strr, strf, smax, sm99

ppeck # Canned Peck Drill Cycle

pchpbrk # Canned Chip Break Cycle

ptap # Canned Tap Cycle
n, sdef, stapping
n, sdef, "2.1", ssetup, setup
n, sdef, "2.2", sdepth, depth
n, sdef, "2.3", sdwell, dwell
n, sdef, "2.4", strf, *fr
n, strl, x, y, strr0, strf, smax, "M03"
n, strl, *initht, strr, strf, smax, strm
n, strl, *refht, strr, strf, smax, smcool
n, strl, *refht, strr, strf, smax, sm99

pbore1 # Canned Bore #1 Cycle

pbore2 # Canned Bore #2 Cycle

pmisc1 # Canned Misc #1 Cycle

pmisc2 # Canned Misc #2 Cycle

pdrill_2 # Canned Drill Cycle
n, strl, x, y, strr0, strf, smax, sm99 #EFKAN MATKAP NOKTALARI

ppeck_2 # Canned Peck Drill Cycle

pchpbrk_2 # Canned Chip Break Cycle

ptap_2 # Canned Tap Cycle

pbore1_2 # Canned Bore #1 Cycle

pbore2_2 # Canned Bore #2 Cycle

pmisc1_2 # Canned Misc #1 Cycle

pmisc2_2 # Canned Misc #2 Cycle

pcanceldc # Cancel canned drill cycle

pcancelcc # Cancel cutter comp.

# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Canned Text
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
pcan #Canned text - before output call
strcantext = sblank
if cant_no > 0,
if cant_pos1 = 0, pcant_1
if cant_pos2 = 0, pcant_2
if cant_pos3 = 0, pcant_3
if cant_pos4 = 0, pcant_4
if cant_pos5 = 0, pcant_5
if cant_pos6 = 0, pcant_6
if cant_pos7 = 0, pcant_7
if cant_pos8 = 0, pcant_8
if cant_pos9 = 0, pcant_9
if cant_pos10 = 0, pcant_10
n, strcantext, e
strcantext = sblank

pcan1 #Canned text - with move
strcantext = sblank
if cant_no > 0,
if cant_pos1 = 1, pcant_1
if cant_pos2 = 1, pcant_2
if cant_pos3 = 1, pcant_3
if cant_pos4 = 1, pcant_4
if cant_pos5 = 1, pcant_5
if cant_pos6 = 1, pcant_6
if cant_pos7 = 1, pcant_7
if cant_pos8 = 1, pcant_8
if cant_pos9 = 1, pcant_9
if cant_pos10 = 1, pcant_10
if cstop, strcantext = strcantext + sm00
if cgstop, strcantext = strcantext + sm01
#Output of strcantext occurs at the end of the output line

pcan2 #Canned text - after output call
strcantext = sblank
if cant_no > 0,
if cant_pos1 = 2, pcant_1
if cant_pos2 = 2, pcant_2
if cant_pos3 = 2, pcant_3
if cant_pos4 = 2, pcant_4
if cant_pos5 = 2, pcant_5
if cant_pos6 = 2, pcant_6
if cant_pos7 = 2, pcant_7
if cant_pos8 = 2, pcant_8
if cant_pos9 = 2, pcant_9
if cant_pos10 = 2, pcant_10
n, strcantext, e
strcantext = sblank

pcant_1 #Canned text - output call
cantext = cant_val1

pcant_2 #Canned text - output call
cantext = cant_val2

pcant_3 #Canned text - output call
cantext = cant_val3

pcant_4 #Canned text - output call
cantext = cant_val4

pcant_5 #Canned text - output call
cantext = cant_val5

pcant_6 #Canned text - output call
cantext = cant_val6

pcant_7 #Canned text - output call
cantext = cant_val7

pcant_8 #Canned text - output call
cantext = cant_val8

pcant_9 #Canned text - output call
cantext = cant_val9

pcant_10 #Canned text - output call
cantext = cant_val10

pcant_out #Canned text - build the string for output
#Build the cantext string
if cantext = 1, strcantext = strcantext + sm00
if cantext = 2, strcantext = strcantext + sm01
if cantext > 2,
strtextno = no2str(cantext)
strcantext = strcantext + strm + strtextno

pwrtt # Tool table line format

# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Numbered questions for Mastercam
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
38. Rapid feedrate? 4000
1538. Rapid feedrate (metric)? 10000.0

#76. Name of associated CFG file? T
80. Communcations port number for receive and transmit (1 or 2) ? 1
81. Baud rate (110, 150, 300, 600, 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600)? 9600
82. Parity (E/O/N)? E
83. Data bits (7 or 8)? 7
84. Stop bits (1 or 2)? 1
85. Strip line feeds? N
86. Delay after end of line (seconds)? 0.0
87. Ascii, Eia, or Binary (A/E/B)? A
88. Echo keyboard to screen in terminal emulation? n
89. Strip carriage returns? N
90. Drive and subdirectory for NC file?
91. Name of executable post processor? mp
92. Name of reverse post processor? rp
93. Reverse post PST file name? Jafo
100. Number of places BEFORE the decimal point for sequence numbers? 3
101. Number of places AFTER the decimal point for sequence numbers? 0
103. Maximum spindle speed? 3500
107. Average time for tool change (seconds)? 2.0
161. Enable Home Position button? y
162. Enable Reference Point button? n
163. Enable Misc. Values button? y
164. Enable Rotary Axis button? n
165. Enable Tool Plane button? y
166. Enable Construction Plane button? y
167. Enable Tool Display button? y
168. Check tplane during automatic work origin creation? n

#110. Default tool library? TOOLS.TL7

# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Default Miscellaneous Real Values
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
201. Default miscellaneous real variable 1 (mr1)? 0.0
202. Default miscellaneous real variable 2 (mr2)? 0.0
203. Default miscellaneous real variable 3 (mr3)? 0.0
204. Default miscellaneous real variable 4 (mr4)? 0.0
205. Default miscellaneous real variable 5 (mr5)? 0.0
206. Default miscellaneous real variable 6 (mr6)? 0.0
207. Default miscellaneous real variable 7 (mr7)? 0.0
208. Default miscellaneous real variable 8 (mr8)? 0.0
209. Default miscellaneous real variable 9 (mr9)? 0.0
210. Default miscellaneous real variable 10 (mr10)? 0.0

# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Default Miscellaneous Real Values (METRIC)
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
1601. Default miscellaneous real variable 1 (mr1) (metric)? 0.0
1602. Default miscellaneous real variable 2 (mr2) (metric)? 0.0
1603. Default miscellaneous real variable 3 (mr3) (metric)? 0.0
1604. Default miscellaneous real variable 4 (mr4) (metric)? 0.0
1605. Default miscellaneous real variable 5 (mr5) (metric)? 0.0
1606. Default miscellaneous real variable 6 (mr6) (metric)? 0.0
1607. Default miscellaneous real variable 7 (mr7) (metric)? 0.0
1608. Default miscellaneous real variable 8 (mr8) (metric)? 0.0
1609. Default miscellaneous real variable 9 (mr9) (metric)? 0.0
1610. Default miscellaneous real variable 10 (mr10) (metric)? 0.0

# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Enable/Disable Miscellaneous Real Variable switches
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
1611. Enable miscellaneous real variable 1? y
1612. Enable miscellaneous real variable 2? y
1613. Enable miscellaneous real variable 3? y
1614. Enable miscellaneous real variable 4? y
1615. Enable miscellaneous real variable 5? y
1616. Enable miscellaneous real variable 6? y
1617. Enable miscellaneous real variable 7? y
1618. Enable miscellaneous real variable 8? y
1619. Enable miscellaneous real variable 9? y
1620. Enable miscellaneous real variable 10? y

# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Default Miscellaneous Integer Values
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
301. Miscellaneous integer variable 1 (mi1)? 0
302. Miscellaneous integer variable 2 (mi2)? 0
303. Miscellaneous integer variable 3 (mi3)? 0
304. Miscellaneous integer variable 4 (mi4)? 0
305. Miscellaneous integer variable 5 (mi5)? 0
306. Miscellaneous integer variable 6 (mi6)? 0
307. Miscellaneous integer variable 7 (mi7)? 0
308. Miscellaneous integer variable 8 (mi8)? 0
309. Miscellaneous integer variable 9 (mi9)? 0
310. Miscellaneous integer variable 10 (mi10)? 0

# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Enable/Disable Miscellaneous Integer Variable switches
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
1621. Enable miscellaneous integer variable 1? y
1622. Enable miscellaneous integer variable 2? y
1623. Enable miscellaneous integer variable 3? y
1624. Enable miscellaneous integer variable 4? y
1625. Enable miscellaneous integer variable 5? y
1626. Enable miscellaneous integer variable 6? y
1627. Enable miscellaneous integer variable 7? y
1628. Enable miscellaneous integer variable 8? y
1629. Enable miscellaneous integer variable 9? y
1630. Enable miscellaneous integer variable 10? y

# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Configuration File association parameters (default is "y")
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
#400. Name of associated cfg file?
#400. Name of associated CFG file? T
401. Read SYSTEM COLORS section? y
402. Read ALLOCATIONS section? y
403. Read TOLERANCES section? y
404. Read DATA PATHS section? y
405. Read COMMUNICATIONS section? y
406. Read DRAFT SETTINGS section? y
407. Read MISCELLANEOUS section? y
408. Read NC SETTINGS section? y
409. Read DIALOG SCRIPTS section? y
410. Read DESIGN SETTINGS section? y
411. Read PLOTTER SETTINGS section? y
412. Read ALT-KEY ASSIGNMENTS section? y
413. Read CAD section? y
414. Read START/EXIT section? y
415. Read SCREEN section? y
416. Read FILE NAMES section? y

1500. Chook to execute from `Misc. values` button?
1501. insert parameter information in the ascii NCI? n
1502. Write operation information to binary file (.ops)? n

1520. Display a warning when cutter compensation in control simulation finds an error? n

# Do NOT manually change the answer for Q.1999 !
1999. Product major version number that post supports? 9

3001. Machine acceleration? 2
3002. timing size? .1

16 Ekim 2006 21:55# 11
Üyelik : 14.10.2006
Yaş : 40
Şehir : İstanbul
Mesaj Sayısı : 57
Cevap : merhaba
Walla yazdıklarından bisey anlamadım nerde kullanacaksak ona gore daha acıklayıcı bilgi verirsen iyi bilir ayrıca hic kimse kendi kullandııgı tezgahı iyi bilmez anca teknik servisler cok iyi bilirler

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